A cat waits on a stoop in Portland’s Parkside neighborhood on Wednesday. It was friendlier than it looks in this photo. Troy R. Bennett | BDN
Heres another five photos made on foot in Portland, with just a 50mm lens, with no crazy cropping and no Photoshop trickery. I call it 5@50.
Today, in the overcast light, I noticed the last leaves of the season and met two furry folks. A book shop was remembering Leonard Cohen and I found another post-election heart.
Its a series I started in 2014 as a challenge to myself. See more from this seriesHERE.

Leaves and three colors of paint compliment each other on a Porch in Portland on Wednesday. It’s the last gasp of fall colors in the city. Troy R. Bennett | BDN

A heart, spray-painted on the sidewalk at the corner of West and Neal Streets, glistens among the fallen leaves in Portland on Wednesday. Troy R. Bennett | BDN

An almost unbearably cute dog watches from a storefront door on Congress Street in Portland on Wednesday. It did a lot of barking a moment later. Troy R. Bennett | BDN

Several copes of a book about singer and poet Leonard Cohen sit in a bookstore window on Congress Street in Portland on Wednesday. Cohen died last week. Troy R. Bennett | BDN