(Attention! This post is nothing more than a sweet, sweet video and photo dump. You have been warned.)
I spent a week in Moab, Utah, riding motorcycles, at the end of April. I’ve already made one video about my experience and posted it on this blog.
Here’s a totally self-indulgent video followup on that report. It’s a full seven minutes long. It’s got all the moving picture highlights of the rides I went on and the sights I saw. To make it even more overblown, I’m going to post a bunch of barely-related pretty pictures below.
You can see all my vacation snaps, and lots of motorcycling adventure pictures, at my Flickr account.

Chimney Rock stands out in the distance, seen frm an overlook, in Dead Horse Point State Park outside Moab, Utah.

Maine’s state flag flies off my bike on the Salt Valley Road, which runs the length of its namesake north of Moab, Utah.